Free Advertisement for your Event
If you have a Charity event or fundraiser coming up click the Promote button, include the information below and we will advertise for you completely free!
Include the following
Name and contact info
Event date, time and location
Website or Facebook event link
That’s it! We will process your request and post it on the sites calendar for hundreds to see and share.
Any event requesting a promotion must be for a charity, fundraising or awareness related project. If your event raises funds; significant % of the proceeds shall benefit a charity.
It is not the responsibility of stlcfa to provide any tax detectable forms for those who attend and donate at your event. It is not the responsibility of stlcfa to testify on the behalf of your event in the court of law. This is purely a website to promote the good will and intention of charity and fundraising and holds no responsibility to the event being promoted.
By clicking promote you agree to these conditions. Any and all other Missouri laws must be followed at your event.
Why Choose Us?
We will read and reply to your request within 12 hours